South Hams District Council – 9% of Your Council Tax
- Own and maintain the North and South Embankment pavement and memorial benches
- Parking on The Embankment
- Own and maintain the toilets at Manor Gardens
- Own and maintain the Lower Ferry
- Own and maintain Mayors Avenue Car Park
- Responsible for planning in Dartmouth
- Abandoned Vehicles
- Public Litter Bins
- Household Recycling and Refuse Collections
- Business Waste Contracts
- Recycling Banks
- Dead Animals
- Dirty Beaches
- Fly Tipping
- Litter or Dog Mess
- Missing or Stray Dogs
- Planning Breaches
- Issues with a Car Park
- Pest Problems
- Noise Complaints
- Odour Complaints
- Bonfire or Smoke Nuisance
- Heritage Preservation
- Taxi Licensing
- Local and Charge Services
- Building Maintenance Services
- Homelessness, Housing Advice and the Housing Register
- Air Quality Monitoring and Reporting
- Events Licensing
- Disabled Facilities Grants
- Community Safety
- Looking after Council Owned Parks and Open Spaces
- Coastal Flooding and Erosion Protection
- Beaches
- Street Name and Numbering
- Council Tax
- Business Support
- Licensing Authority for Businesses such as Pubs, Restaurants and Zoos
- Business Rates
- Food Hygiene Inspections and Complaints
- Flood Protection
- Tree Preservation
- Leisure Centres
- Affordable Housing
- Housing Benefits
- Road Sweepers
- Grass Verges and Weeds
- Elections
- Own and Rent Out Commercial Property
Devon County Council – 68% of Your Council Tax + 5% Precept to Fund Adult Social Care
- Traffic Signs
- Street Lamps
- Pests – Wasp and Hornet Nests in Schools
- Own and Rent Out Commercial Property
- Flood Protection
- Roads and Transport
- Potholes
- Flooding and Blocked Drains
- Lit Signs and Bollards
- Overgrown Vegetation
- Hazardous or Fallen Trees
- Trip Hazards
- Broken Manhole Covers
- Parking
- Public Rights of Way
- Debris or Obstruction
- Ice
- Defective Road Markings or Signs
- Bridges
- Traffic Lights
- Fences and Barriers
- Grit Bins
- School Services
- Litter and Spillages on Major Roads
- Underground Heritage Preservation
- On Street Parking
- Cleaning Leaves and Odour
- Initial Assessments by DCC Care Direct for Disabled Grants
- CCTV Roads and Transport
- A Boards