• Council meeting


There will be a virtual meeting of the Planning Committee on Tuesday 12th January at 6pm.

This meeting will take place virtually, via Zoom, the agenda (pdf) will be available to download (on the right) three clear days before the meeting, and the link to this meeting will be within the agenda.

Due to the Covid-19 virus and the government advice on gatherings, all Council events, Committee and Working Group meetings, that would usually be held in person, have been cancelled.

New legislation has now come into force to allow virtual meetings [The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020] and so all Council and Committee meetings will now be taking place virtually using the software Zoom until government guidelines change.

  • Download Agenda

    The agenda will be available to download 3 clear days in advance.

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