• Report It


Our ‘Useful Information’ section will help guide you towards the answers to any problems or issues around Dartmouth.

You can often report things directly to South Hams District Council or Devon County Council as per the links below.

If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, please email us at reception@dartmouthtowncouncil.gov.uk or call us on 01803 832281.


Abandoned Vehicles are dealt with by South Hams District Council.

To report an abandoned vehicle, please follow this link and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234


Blocked drains are dealt with by Devon County Council.

To report a blocked drain, click on this link that will take you to an interactive map where you can report the location of the drain.

Devon County Council Highways can also be contacted on 0345 155 1004 

Bridges that have suffered structural damage or are obstructed are fixed by Devon County Council.

To report a problem with a bridge, follow this link and use the interactive map to report the bridges location.

Devon County Council Highways can also be contacted on 0345 155 1004 

Broken manhole covers are fixed by Devon County Council.

To report a broken manhole cover, follow this link and use the interactive map to report the manhole covers location.

Devon County Council Highways can also be contacted on 0345 155 1004

Brown Bin collections are carried out by South Hams District Council.

To find out more about Brown Bin Collections, please follow this link.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234

South Hams District Council provide a bulky waste collection service. This service needs to be booked in advance, using an online booking form.

For more information on this service, please follow this link.

The National Bus Pass entitles the pass holder to free off peak travel on local buses anywhere in England. These are given out by Devon County Council. For more information, please follow this link.


To find the nearest cash machines in Dartmouth please use the below link


For more information about Longcross Cemetery, please follow this link.

Council Tax is collected by South Hams District Council and distributed across a number of local public authorities:

  • Devon County Council uses Council Tax to provide education, roads, care for older people and people with disabilities, child protection, youth services, libraries and recycling centres and waste disposal.
  • South Hams District Council uses Council Tax to provide refuse collection, kerbside recycling, housing, planning, street cleaning and leisure.
  • Devon & Cornwall Police Authority uses Council Tax to provide law and order and crime reduction.
  • Devon & Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority uses Council Tax to provide fire prevention and fire and rescue services.
  • Dartmouth Town Council uses Council Tax to provide local amenities.

For more information about your Council Tax, please follow this link.

Bike racks in RAGDartmouth cyclists now have a central secure place to leave their bicycles when they are in town.

Dartmouth Town Council has installed two bike racks at the entrance to Royal Avenue Gardens which are now ready to be used .

We would like to thank Cllr Jonathan Hawkins and Devon County Council for providing the racks to us.


Damaged dog bins and litter bins are dealt with by South Hams District Council.

To report an damaged dog or litter bin, please follow this link and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234

Damaged recycling bins are dealt with by South Hams District Council.

To report an damaged recycling bin, please follow this link and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234

Website: http://www.dartharbour.org/
Phone Number: 01803 832337
Email Address: info@dartharbour.org
VF Channel: 11
Call Sign: Dartnav

Dead animals are dealt with by South Hams District Council.

To report an dead animal, please follow this link and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234

Debris and obstructions on the road are cleared up by Devon County Council.

To report debris or an obstruction, follow this link and use the interactive map to report the location.

Devon County Council Highways can also be contacted on 0345 155 1004 

Defective road markings and signs are dealt with by Devon County Council.

To report a defective road markings and signs, follow this link and use the interactive map to report each location.

Devon County Council Highways can also be contacted on 0345 155 1004

Click this link to go through to our Defibrillator locations page which lists whether the defibrillators are available 24 hours a day or during only limited periods

Defib page – https://www.dartmouthtowncouncil.gov.uk/9629-2/

General enquiries

Phone Number: 0345 155 1015

Email: customer@devon.gov.uk

SMS text: text ‘Devon’ then your message to 80011

Fax:  0345 155 1003 or 0845 155 1003

Emergencies (out of hours)

Social Services: 0345 600 0388

Highways: 0345 155 1008

Animal welfare, petrol and explosives: 01392 499499

Website: https://new.devon.gov.uk/

Devon Home Choice is a way of looking for council and housing association homes.

Under Devon Home Choice you can:

  • Choose which homes interest you
  • Move within Devon

Phone Number: 01395 517469

Email Address: devonhomechoice@eastdevon.gov.uk

Website: https://www.devonhomechoice.com

Dirty beaches are dealt with by South Hams District Council.

To report an dirty beach, please follow this link and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234

Dog mess is dealt with by South Hams District Council.

To report dog mess, please follow this link and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234


Environmental health queries are dealt with by South Hams District Council.

To contact environmental health, please follow this link for more information.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234

Emergency out of hours call out for Dartmouth Town Council assets only.



Fallen trees are dealt with by Devon County Council.

To report a fallen or hazardous tree, follow this link and use the interactive map to report the trees location.

Devon County Council Highways can also be contacted on 0345 155 1004 

Damaged or missing roadside fences or barriers are dealt with by Devon County Council.

To report a damaged or missing roadside fence or barrier, follow this link and use the interactive map to report each location.

Devon County Council Highways can also be contacted on 0345 155 1004 

Flooding is dealt with by Devon County Council

To report a flood, follow this link to an interactive map where you can pinpoint the flood.

Devon County Council Highways can also be contacted on 0345 155 1004 

Fly tipping is dealt with by South Hams District Council.

To report an fly tipping, please follow this link and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234

Full litter bins are dealt with by South Hams District Council.

To report a full litter bin, please follow this link and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234

Full recycling banks are dealt with by South Hams District Council.

To report a full recycling bank, please follow this link and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234


Brown Bin collections are carried out by South Hams District Council.

To find out more about Brown Bin Collections, please follow this link.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234

Empty grit bins, damaged bins or a bin with contents that are unusable are dealt with by Devon County Council.

To report a problem with a grit bin, follow this link and use the interactive map to report the grit bins location.

Devon County Council Highways can also be contacted on 0345 155 1004 


Devon County Council Highways: 0345 155 1008 | 0345 155 1015




Ice and snow on the roads are dealt with by Devon County Council.

To report ice and snow on the roads, follow this link and use the interactive map to report the location.

Devon County Council Highways can also be contacted on 0345 155 1004

Some car parks are dealt with by South Hams District Council. Please check which Council you need to contact.

To report an issue with a SHDC  car park, please follow this link and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234




Litter is dealt with by South Hams District Council.

To report litter, please follow this link and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234


Missed waste collections are dealt with by South Hams District Council.

To report a missed waste collection, please follow this link and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234

Missing dogs can be reported to South Hams District Council.

To report a missing dog, please follow this link and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234

To report a lost, stolen or damaged waste container to South Hams District Council please follow this link and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234


Noise complaints are dealt with by South Hams District Council.

To report an noise complaint, please follow this link and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234


Overgrown vegetation is cut by Devon County Council.

To report overgrown vegetation, where pedestrians are forced into road, cars are forced over the central line, or causing reduced visibility, please follow this link and use the interactive map to report the location.

Devon County Council Highways can also be contacted on 0345 155 1004


The Park and Ride service is provided by South Hams District Council and runs between Easter and the end of October, every 10 minutes, or 20 minutes on a Sunday. The service runs from the car park just outside Dartmouth on the A3122, where it joins with the A379 by Lidls supermarket, to Dartmouth town centre.

Tickets can be obtained from the pay and display machines in the car parks. The tickets are in two parts: one to show the bus driver; and one must be displayed on the car. The driver will issue a zero value return ticket to everyone that boards the bus, this must be shown to the driver for the return journey.

Dogs are permitted on the Park and Ride bus.

All day tickets cost £5.00 or £3.00 after 2pm.

Parking Locator for Dartmouth


Parking  Map of Dartmouth


Devon County Council Parking Problems

Please ensure that the issue you are reporting is covered in the list below.

Devon County Council currently manage the enforcement of:

  • no waiting restrictions (yellow lines)
  • residents’ parking permits
  • loading bays
  • pay and display parking (on-street)
  • dropped kerbs at crossing points
  • disabled bays
  • bus stops
  • limited waiting.

To report a parking problem to Devon County Council please follow this link.

Pay a Parking Ticket Online or see and challenge a ticket from Devon County Council


Pay a Parking Ticket online to South Hams District Council


You can get help and advice about pest control from South Hams District Council.

For more information, please follow this link

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234

Planning breaches are dealt with by South Hams District Council.

To report an planning breach, please follow this link and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234

Website: https://www.devon-cornwall.police.uk/teams/Dartmouth/Overview

Email: dartmouth@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk

Phone Number: Call 101

College Way
(next to the Fire and Ambulance stations)

or Crime Stoppers
Website: https://crimestoppers-uk.org
Phone: 0800 555 111

Potholes are fixed by Devon County Council.

To report a pothole, follow this link and use the interactive map to report each potholes location.

Devon County Council Highways can also be contacted on 0345 155 1004


Those in receipt of a pension from overseas may periodically be required by the awarding organisation to provide ‘Proof of Life’ certification to ensure continuity of payments. In line with advice from the National Association of Local Councils, Dartmouth Town Council are unable to assist with ‘proof of life’ certification.

We apologise for any disappointment. Those requiring assistance have a choice of providers in both the public and private sectors. Whilst we do not make any recommendation, local options may include, amongst others:

  • South Hams District Council:
    Follaton House, Plymouth Road, Totnes TQ9 5NE. T: 01803 861234. www.southhams.gov.uk
    At time of writing, SHDC offer this service free of charge, upon request at their reception desk.
  • Wollens Solicitors:
    10 The Quay, Dartmouth, TQ6 9PT. T: 08103 832191. www.wollens.co.uk
    At time of writing, Wollens offer this service at a fee of £10, by appointment only.

23rd January 2020.

Public rights of way are maintained by Devon County Council.

To report a problem with a public right of way, follow this link and use the interactive map to report the location.

Devon County Council Highways can also be contacted on 0345 155 1004 

For more information on Public rights of way and where to find them, follow this link.




South Hams District Council Recycling help line: 0345 1551010

Recycling Centres

South Hams Recycling Centre

Babbage Road
Totnes Industrial

Telephone Number: 0345 155 1010

Opening times:

April – Sept: Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm, Weekends 10am – 6pm.

Oct – March: 9am – 4.30pm, weekends 10am – 4.30pm.

For more information about what can be recycled at the centre, please visit https://new.devon.gov.uk/wasteandrecycling/centre/totnes-recycling-centre/



Torr Quarry Recycling Centre

Telephone Number: 0345 155 1010

Opening times:

April – Sept: Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm, Weekends 10am – 6pm.

Oct – March: 9am – 4.30pm, weekends 10am – 4.30pm.

For more information about what can be recycled at the centre, please visit https://new.devon.gov.uk/wasteandrecycling/centre/torr-quarry-recycling-centre/

Ivybridge Recycling Centre

Ermington Road
PL21 9ES

Telephone Number: 0345 155 1010

Opening times:

April – Sept: Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm, Weekends 10am – 6pm.

Oct – March: 9am – 4.30pm, weekends 10am – 4.30pm.

For more information about what can be recycled at the centre, please visit https://new.devon.gov.uk/wasteandrecycling/centre/ivybridge-recycling-centre/

Recycling Waste Collections are carried out by South Hams District Council.

To find out more about Recycling Waste Collections, please follow this link.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234

If you require the latest and most update information of road works and road closures in Dartmouth, please click this link which will take you through to One Network.



Seagull Sacks are provided by South Hams District Council.

Please contact them by clicking through to their website and ordering one directly online.


Website: https://www.southhams.gov.uk/

South Hams District Council
Follaton House
Plymouth Road

Telephone: 01803 861234

In an emergency and out-of-hours telephone number is: 01803 867034

If you need to contact South West Water to report a leak or a suspected pollution or to log into your account, please contact them on :

24 Hour Emergency helpline : 0344 346 2020



Stay dogs can be reported to South Hams District Council.

To report a stray dog, please follow this link https://apps.southhams.gov.uk/webreportit and fill in the form.

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234

Streetlights are maintained and repaired by Devon County Council.

To report a broken streetlight, follow this link and use the interactive map to report the streetlights location.

Devon County Council Highways can also be contacted on 0345 155 1004 


There are four courts available in Coronation Park, including two floodlit ones.

For more information and to book a court, please follow this link through to the Coronation Park page and scroll to the bottom. – https://www.dartmouthtowncouncil.gov.uk/coronation-park/

Damaged or faulty traffic lights or signals and beacon or school crossing patrol light are fixed by Devon County Council.

To report a damaged or faulty traffic light, signals and beacon or school crossing patrol light, follow this link and use the interactive map to report each location.

Devon County Council Highways can also be contacted on 0345 155 1004 

Trip hazards are fixed by Devon County Council.

To report a trip hazard, follow this link and use the interactive map to report each trip hazards location.

Devon County Council Highways can also be contacted on 0345 155 1004 




Waste Collection is conducted by South Hams District Council. 

South Hams District Council can also be reached on 01803 861234.

Waste Collection Days: Click this link to type in your postcode and find out when your next collection is: https://southhams.fccenvironment.co.uk/mycollections

In Dartmouth, we are on Calendar A with a collection day on Wednesday. For more information, please visit https://www.southhams.gov.uk/article/4436/Waste-Collection-Calendars- and view Calendar A.

Report a Missed Waste Collection or Other Issue: https://www.southhams.gov.uk/article/4342/Report-a-Missed-Waste-Collection-or-Other-Issue

Waste Services in Dartmouth are run by South Hams District Council.

This link will take you to the main waste and recycling page on SHDC’s website: https://www.southhams.gov.uk/article/454/Your-Waste-Service

You can also call South Hams District Council on 01803 861234

Need new sacks or a bin?  You can order household recycling sacks, request a new or additional waste container or report a lost, stolen or broken waste container here:  https://www.southhams.gov.uk/article/4343/Need-new-sacks-or-a-bin

For more information about what can be recycled, please visit https://www.southhams.gov.uk/article/3383/Blue-and-Clear-Recycling-Sack-Collections

Click the below link to see what your Council Tax money goes towards and who is responsible from:

  • Dartmouth Town Council
  • South Hams District Council
  • Devon County Council





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