For information regarding our service for Remembrance Day 2024 please visit our webpage here:
Remembrance Sunday 12th November 2023
Remembrance Sunday – 12th November 2023
The Dartmouth Town Council and The Royal British Legion cordially invite you, your members and your Association Standard Bearer (where appropriate) to attend the annual Remembrance Sunday Parade at Avenue Gardens on Sunday 12th November 2023. This year weather permitting, there will not be a church service and instead the service will be held in the gardens.
Remembrance Service – Avenue Gardens
All attendees are to muster at Avenue Gardens from 10:15hrs and be in position for the Remembrance Service by the Town War Memorial by10:40, less the Mayoral Party who will arrive once all attendees are in position.
The Britannia Royal Naval College Volunteer Band will be at the Avenue Gardens Bandstand from 10:15 to provide musical accompaniment whilst the parade musters and as part of the event thereafter.
Marshals will be on hand and attendees will be allocated to a muster point.
The Remembrance Service will commence at 10:45.
In the event of inclement weather the Service will take place in St Saviour’s church.
Wreath Laying
Any group or individual wishing to lay a wreath will be allocated a specific place to stand at the time of muster. Should you not have a wreath, please email Chris Pope <></> for advice on how to get one.