• Neighbourhood Plan



Dartmouth Town Council is delighted to announce the resurrection of Dartmouth’s Neighbourhood Plan which will be run, as legally required, by a local community group, the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.  The Group is headed up by Robert Brooke and includes some local residents of Dartmouth including Valerie Bird, Keith Myerson, Robert Brooke, Tony Tudor, Cllr Graham Evans and Peter Goldstraw (in photo) and will be fully supported by Dartmouth Town Council. The group will regularly report back on their progress at Full Council meetings. Three Councillors will also be actively involved as members of the group, they are Cllrs Graham Evans, Adam Edsall and David Wells.

The whole ethos in creating a viable Neighbourhood Plan is that it should be driven by the local community of Dartmouth as a community led group.

The Steering Group will be setting up a new website and email for the Neighbourhood Plan which will be linked to the Dartmouth Town Council website. This will enable two-way dialogue and exchange of information with the Community and with the town’s residents to highlight what the group is working on and the current status of the project. It will also allow everyone to provide input to, and receive feedback from, the Steering Group. The Council has allocated funds to the Group to ensure this work progresses quickly.

The Steering Group has identified from earlier public surveys some key areas that the Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan will need to address. It is determined to allow ample opportunities to the Community to inform the Steering Group of their views and interests for the next 10 to 15 years which are relevant to the development of Dartmouth over this time. For reasons of expediency some matters may need possibly to be considered for implementation sooner rather than waiting for the final Plan to be approved.

Commenting on the current status of Dartmouth’s Neighbourhood Plan, the Steering Group Chairman, Robert Brooke, said;

“It is encouraging that the Steering Group can now move forward positively to the next stage of information gathering with the support of Dartmouth Town Council. It is essential we receive good input from the Community to allow the Steering Group to reflect properly the Community views. We look forward to working with you”.

Councillor Graham Evans, who has spearheaded the resurrection of the Neighbourhood Plan added;

“When members of Dartmouth Town Council were elected in May 2019, one of the first tasks was the resurrection of Neighbourhood Plan, the group is now in place and they have a detailed action plan. The town will shortly have the opportunity to see the progress the group has made and provide vital feedback, via the new website and dedicated email address”.

For further information please contact Cllr Graham Evans by email cllrgrahamevans@dartmouthtowncouncil.co.uk

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