• Councillor Clinic


Meet your Councillors open day Saturday 1st July 2023

Last year we staged a meet your councillors event in Royal Avenue gardens. It proved a very useful and informative exercise that Dartmouth Town Council would like to repeat this year.

Town Councillors and Two of our District Councillors will be here ready to listen to your concerns and suggestions at various times during the day. We also hope to have a member of our Neighbourhood Police team with us.

Please feel free to come over and chat, we need and appreciate your opinions in order to help us shape the policies you want for Dartmouth. If you wish to speak with a specific councillor please contact Cllr. Mike Rowley for advice on when they will be available during the day. Cllrmikerowley@dartmouthtowncouncil.gov

It will be held on Saturday 1st July 2023 from 10:30 – 15:00 in the Royal Avenue Gardens, Dartmouth.

1030 – 1130 Mike Rowley DTC
Liz Moseley DTC
Hayley Rossiter DTC
Malcolm Mathews DTC
Mandy Webber DTC
Cathy Campos DTC
Ben Cooper SHDC
1130 – 1230 Mike Rowley DTC
Liz Moseley DTC
Katie Brown DTC
Hayley Rossiter DTC
Malcolm Mathews DTC
Mandy Webber DTC
Cathy Campos DTC
Ben Cooper SHDC
1230 – 1330 Mike Rowley DTC
Liz Moseley DTC
Hayley Rossiter DTC
Malcolm Mathews DTC
Cathy Campos DTC
Ben Cooper SHDC
1330 – 1500 Mike Rowley DTC
Ged Yardy DTC & SHDC
David Wells DTC
Hayley Rossiter DTC
Malcolm Mathews DTC
Ben Cooper SHDC

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