Dartmouth Town Council Elect Mayor and Deputy Mayor
Dartmouth Town Council has elected Cllr Graham Webb to serve as the Town’s Mayor for a third term and will be assisted in his duties by Cllr Graham Evans who will serve as Deputy Mayor for the next year.
Commenting on his election Mayor Webb said,
”It is an honour to be voted in as Mayor of Dartmouth, and I would like to thank the Dartmouth Town Councillors for entrusting this privilege to me for a third term. I am looking forward to working alongside them to deliver the projects and support the initiatives that have been delayed somewhat by the pandemic over the last 14 months or so. A big thank you must be said to the amazing work carried out by the Office Staff, who during this time have worked tirelessly for our town, also the gardening team and maintenance crew who have kept our town in good order despite the huge restrictions placed on resources and on them personally. Having lost my eldest brother to the virus in February this year, I understand the devastating impact it can have on families and the community at large.
Having spent a large part of the last year as a volunteer providing food and care to our community, I will be continuing with that work, alongside the many other duties involved as Mayor, as well as the defibrillators for Dartmouth project, obtaining Village Green Status for the community orchard, CCTV for Dartmouth and Townstal and the Neighbourhood Plan these are just a few of the things, with the enormous help given by the council staff and the community, I hope to see completed very soon.
I am also really looking forward to welcoming back some of the many events and celebrations we as a town and community have missed over the last year and of course welcoming back visitors, old and new to our beautiful town and the many delights it has to offer.”
Deputy Mayor Evans added, “I would like to thank my fellow Councillors for voting me in as the Deputy Mayor, to serve for the forthcoming year.
For the past 2 years, I have been honoured to serve as a Councillor for Dartmouth Town Council and learn the ropes by Chairing Finance and Planning committees and understanding the time required to try and serve this town to the best of my ability.
I look forward to this coming year meeting and greeting those from the local community, attending events and functions both in Dartmouth, Townstal and further afield as requested. I will carry out my duties with pride and to the best of my ability as I have done as a Councillor. A role I have embraced and thoroughly enjoyed.
I intend to continue to work on various projects that have been important to me in the past 2 years, such as Neighbourhood Plan, CCTV, Clinics and ensuring that Dartmouth is properly and clearly financially stable and set for the future.
I also look forward to working with all Councillors and our extremely hard working Staff and Executive Officer over the course of the next 12 months as we emerge from Covid and try to bring a semblance of normality back to our beautiful town.”