• Free support for Dartmouth based Charities


Clarity & Dartmouth Town Council offer help with securing grant funding for local groups

Earlier this year Dartmouth Town Council commissioned Clarity CIC (www.claritycic.org) to provide a programme of free support for Dartmouth-based charities, community groups and social enterprises designed to improve their ability to secure grant funding.

The first phase of this programme involved two linked half day training workshops designed to help participants be better equipped to make successful grant applications. These workshops were well attended and very well received but we realise that there may be many small voluntary and community groups who could not attend or were not aware they were taking place.

So, to ensure as many groups as possible can benefit from their advice and expertise, Dartmouth Town Council funding is enabling Clarity to offer free one to one online consultation sessions for groups operating in the Dartmouth area. These sessions will initially be for 1 to 1 ½ hours but further support may be available depending on demand. Consultation sessions are likely to be available from early September to March 2024 but it is possible some sessions might be able to be delivered beforehand.

If you are aware of local groups needing advice and support with securing grant funding. then do advise them

to contact Clarity CIC via info@claritycic.org putting Dartmouth in the subject line.

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