Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI)
Any one can request to see recorded information held by the Council. You do not have to state why you want the information, although you will need to describe the information you require in enough detail to enable us to determine whether the information you have requested is held.
To ask for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 you will need to:
- Ask us in writing
- Tell us your name
- Tell us your address so we can to write to you
- Describe the information you want (giving as much detail as possible)
What happens next
We will write and tell you we have received your request. We may also ask you for more details to help us find the information you are interested in.
We will write to you within 20 working days telling you whether or not we hold that information (this is known as the ‘duty to confirm or deny’) and if it exists, to let you have the information unless an exemption applies.
Where an exemption applies, we will tell you which one we have used, unless this would reveal the information.
If you are not happy with our response or how we dealt with your request, you can ask the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to investigate.
Freedom of Information Responses
The Information Commissioners Office suggest the publication of a Freedom of Information Disclosure Log as good practice.
This disclosure log provides anonymised data on the information that has been provided by the Council in response to Freedom of Information requests. This log does not currently hold retrospective information.
By law, you have a right (subject to certain exemptions) to be told whether any personal data is held about you, including CCTV footage.