• Free Grant Funding Support


Free Grant Funding Support for Dartmouth-based Groups

Dartmouth Town Council have commissioned Clarity CIC (www.claritycic.orgwww.claritycic.org) to provide a programme of FREE interactive face to face support for Dartmouth-based charities, community groups and social enterprises designed to improve their ability to secure grant funding.

The first part of the programme involves two linked half day workshops; on Thursday 9th February and Thursday 9th March. We hope participants will be able to attend both workshops. Both workshops will be held in the morning.

Clarity CIC will also be providing one to one support for groups and details of this part of the programme will be firmed up following the initial workshops.

If you are interested in participating then please email reception@dartmouthtowncouncil.gov.uk with the subject line “Funding Support” along with your organisation name, email address and phone number. We will be providing more details in the New Year.

The programme is designed to help participants:

  • Gain greater confidence in applying for funding.
  • Have improved awareness of the funding sources available.
  • Enable their organisation to be “grant ready”.
  • Make successful grant applications.
  • Develop improved relationships with other organisations in Dartmouth.
  • Think through alternative and additional ways of generating income.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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