Dartmouth Beacon
Welcome to the inaugural issue of the Dartmouth Beacon, the official newsletter of Dartmouth Town Council. We hope that you will find this publication interesting, informative and perhaps surprising. Surprising because the Council does a great deal of work behind the scenes which you may not know about, hence this newsletter. There are only certain things in Dartmouth that we directly control (see page 9) both staff and Councillors take those responsibilities seriously and try to do their very best for the town. As a Town Council, we work collaboratively with our District and County Councillors, and feedback to them areas of concern. Whilst we can influence, we do not have the final say on services that are maintained by the other Councils. As always, we welcome feedback from our residents, you can send this to: beacon@dartmouthtowncouncil.gov.uk.
The DTC Communications team: Cllr Cathy Campos, Cllr Andrea Cates, Cllr Mike Rowley and Cllr Simon Rushton.