Dartmouth Town Council is looking for expressions of interest for renting out the Community Corner unit in the Old Market (unit 9).
To rent the unit, you should be a community group to offers services for the good of the local community.
This unit will be available Monday – Friday from 8am – 9pm.
If weekend bookings are scheduled, all equipment will need to be cleared away into lockable cupboards and the unit will need to be thoroughly cleaned.
The license will be for a 12 month period with a 6 month notice period on either side.
The rent will be £300 per week.
The unit has a professional kitchen and toilets.
The area consists of male and female WC 1.00m x 2.40m and 1.90m x 1.00m with a lobby area of 1.80m x 2.80m.
Commercial kitchen (see below) 5.00m x 3.20m
Main multi use area with glazed floor to ceiling windows on one side looking into market area- 13.40×4.90
Kitchen has – dishwasher, grill, double cooker, fridge, double sink, hot water boiler, warming unit, commercial extraction.
Main area – landlord owned tables and chairs
Access is single door to street or double door to the Market Square
No parking is included or available.
The deadline for applications is 4pm on Friday 1st October 2021, with a decision being made at the next Full Council meeting on Monday 4th October.
For more information, please ring 01803 832281 or email propertiesmanager@dartmouthtowncouncil.gov.uk