• Dartmouth Town Council are planning to install three permanent Public Space CCTV cameras


Dartmouth Town Council are planning to install three permanent Public Space CCTV cameras at locations in Dartmouth

The proposed locations of these cameras are near the skate park, the corner of Britannia Avenue/Townstal Road and the corner of Yorke Road/Milton Lane. They will be used for the prevention, protection and detection of anti-social behaviour and criminal activities.
The siting of the cameras was based entirely upon police advice and operational requirements.

The camera at Milton Lane is to monitor potential criminal movements via the Stoke Flemming route as the police are aware that criminals looking to enter and leave Dartmouth will use this route to avoid the ANPR camera on the A3122. It is also there to monitor and deter dangerous driving in order to protect children going to and from school.

From an operational perspective, the camera in this position will have a transmitter to beam the signal to the relay at Hoodown which in turn transmits it to the Torbay hub. It needs to be there to achieve clear line of sight that is not obstructed be tree growth on the Embankment.

Similarly, the police advised Dartmouth Town Council that a camera at the junction of Townstal Road and Britannia Avenue would monitor and deter criminals accessing and leaving the estate as well as dangerous driving at that complex junction.

These cameras have a limited functionality. They are not ANPR devices and have no speed assessment capabilities. The footage is transmitted to the Torbay hub and stored. That footage can be requested and viewed by police. The people authorised to view is strictly controlled, in effect only the police have permission to access (councillors and Dartmouth Town Council staff are not given access to the system). Cameras can be monitored in real time by the hub staff in Torbay.

In terms of privacy, the cameras can be trained automatically or manually by the Torbay hub staff however, we understand these cameras can and will be electronically blacked out such that they cannot see into people’s private spaces.

As your home may fall within the proposed area, we would like to give you the opportunity to give your opinions. We wish to reassure you that any windows of property directly adjacent to cameras will be screened by using privacy zones (black squares on CCTV screen) making it impossible for any operator to breach your privacy.
There will be a public consultation in the Clifton Room, Council Offices, Victoria Road on Thursday 9th May 2024 from 5.30pm – 7.30pm where questions and concerns can be raised by residents.
Consultation period is open until 21st May 2024.
If you wish to comment on this proposal, please email your comments to Dartmouth Town Council via hello@dartmouthtowncouncil.gov.uk
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