Dartmouth Town Council is keen to encourage as many local residents as possible to consider standing as Town Councillors in the upcoming elections on Thursday 6th May 2021.
For the Council to fully represent the town, it should, as far as possible, speak for the interests and views of everyone who lives in the town, so Dartmouth Town Council is putting out a call for candidates. With five vacancies in Clifton ward and one in Townstal ward, this is a great opportunity to ensure the council is as inclusive and representative of this community as possible.
Anyone considering standing may like to attend one of the virtual Councillor Clinics that have been set up. These are a great opportunity to find out more about what being a councillor entails, the process of registering to stand and a chance to meet serving Councillors and hear their experiences of working for the town.
The Clinics will take place on:
Tuesday 23rd March from 2.00pm to 3.30pm, zoom link –
and on Wednesday 24th March from 7.00pm to 8.30pm , zoom link
The zoom links will be advertised on our website and our Facebook and Twitter accounts and both staff and serving councillors will be on hand to answer any questions and explain what the role entails.
Announcing the Councillor Clinics, the Town Clerk Charlie Pritchard- Williams said “Councillors and staff alike are all agreed that this upcoming election is a great opportunity to increase the diversity, experience and expertise of Dartmouth Town Council. In normal times we would have organised a face to face event but with Covid restrictions that is just not possible. Our Councillor Clinics will give prospective candidates the chance to find out much more about Dartmouth Town Council, the work Councillors do and also meet both the staff and current Councillors. We hope that both clinics will be well attended.”
For further information on the Dartmouth Town Council Clinics please contact the Town Clerk: Charlie Pritchard-Williams on