Council Meetings, Agendas & Minutes
Click the links on the left to go through to the individual pages for either Full Council or the committees.
- The Full Council usually meet in the Guildhall on the first Monday of the month at 7pm, there is no meeting in August and these dates are subject to change where necessary.
- The Council Matters committee usually meet on the third Monday of the month, there is no meeting in August.
- The Planning committee meets every three weeks.
- The Staffing committee meets roughly every other month or as and when needed.
- The Council Assets and Finance & General Purposes committees have now been merged into Council Matters committee.
Click here to see the scheduled meetings in a calendar form – Calendar of Meetings
We aim to allow the public to join meetings virtually, if you would like the link to join virtually then please email the officer who is clerking that meeting in advance (the email address is at the bottom of the agenda), or go to our Facebook page where the link will usually be pinned to the top.
All Town Council meeting minutes and agendas are ‘public access’, this means that any person at any time can view them on this website, we can also print them out for you for a small fee.
If you would like to listen to recordings of previous Full Council meeting then please click through to Sound Cloud where the audio recordings of the Full Council meetings are uploaded.
All council minutes up to 2020 can be viewed and downloaded by clicking this link.
Planning Applications are available for viewing on the South Hams District Council planning website.