
CCTV in Dartmouth

Find out about the use of closed circuit television (CCTV) in Dartmouth and how to apply for access to CCTV footage.

We use 11 closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras situated in Dartmouth town centre to:
• help tackle crime
• keep the public safe
• Find missing people

Images from our town centre CCTV cameras are recorded 24 hours a day and retained for 14 days. Torbay Council act as our hub and this footage is retained and can be used as evidence in both criminal and civil court cases.

Occasionally Dartmouth Town Council may ask Torbay Council to live monitor the cameras during festivals and events.

Police access to CCTV footage
Where an offence has been reported in an area covered by our CCTV cameras, the Police may ask to view any CCTV footage that might be helpful.

Request CCTV footage
By law, you have a right (subject to certain exemptions) to be told whether any personal data is held about you https://ico.org.uk/your-data-matters/official-information, including CCTV footage.

If you would like to apply for subject access to our CCTV footage please complete the application form on the right and send / bring in the necessary documents into the Council.

Reporting a crime

If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation where you need to report a crime, please do so online via this link – https://services.devon-cornwall.police.uk/crimereporting/

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