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Town’s Community Spirit in evidence once again

27th June, Dartmouth: Over 35 volunteers including Anthony Mangnall MP, Captain Roger Readwin of BRNC and Dartmouth Mayor Graham Webb turned out for  Dartmouth’s first-ever Town Tidy Up on Saturday 27th June.

The event was the brainchild of local business owner, Stuart Lonrigg, who as Chairman of Discover Darmouth, felt sprucing the town up before it fully reopens on 4th July, was a good excuse for the Community to come together to help make our town look her very best.

The event attracted over 60 volunteers within hours of being announced on social media far more than the 20 that were needed. After consultation with Rob Harkness, Head of the Dartmouth Town Council Open Spaces Team, some 35 residents were invited to participate in the first-ever Town Tidy Up.

For four hours volunteers deadheaded, weeded and landscaped in both Royal Avenue Gardens and North Embankment and they achieved a great deal.  Commenting on the event, Rob Harkness said “35 people in four hours have achieved what would take the outdoor team a week’s work. The town tidy up has helped us get ahead of the curve in getting the town ready for when it opens up to more visitors next week”.

Stuart Longrigg added “We have been blown away, firstly by the fantastic response we had to our initial call to arms and then the work rate of everyone who came to help.  So a really big thank you to all of today’s volunteers. We can really see a difference and plan to make this a regular town event.”

In addition, the Bandstand in Royal Avenue Gardens was brightened up with just a few of the 5,000 plus individual pennants created to celebrate Mayflower 400.

The last word goes to Dartmouth Mayor Graham Webb, who happens to be a professional gardener himself, “It was fantastic to see everyone who volunteered working so hard to get Dartmouth ready to welcome visitors. I was very impressed with what was achieved in just a few hours and can honestly say I would offer any of the volunteers today a job! “

For further information on the Dartmouth Town Tidy Up, please contact Cllr Cathy Campos on email cllrcathycampos@dartmouthtowncouncil.gov.uk

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